viernes, 22 de agosto de 2008

The bad state of schools

The bad condition of buidings is one of the main problems at school nowadays.
One of the main problems is that the Institutions many times depend on the contribution of money or the material that come from the Government.
WE as students should take care of the furniture, the walls and all the things we have because they are all ours.
Porque no queremos educarnos en un ámbito inapropiado es que debemos cuidar las instalaciones de nuestras escuelas. Todos somos responsables de cambiar la realidad de algunas de ellas y la única forma es concientizarnos en que cada cosa que hay en ellas nos PERTENECE a TODOS.
Cristian R, Selene, Joana y Lucas 3º D Turno Tarde

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